Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Who Am I?

Basically, I am nobody special.  I am a 37 year old married woman with two daughters under the age of three.  In October 2009, I gave up my technology career to stay home and raise my daughters and keep up with everything else in the house.  Some say I started my family late, but I think I started at the perfect time.  I had my career…spent 10 years in the field achieved as much as I wanted to achieve within that time.  Made great friends, learned from some great people, and learned from other peoples’ mistakes.

Now, I’m here.  At this point in my life I’m enjoying my girls as they grow up and accomplish their own goals –even if those goals are going potty or rolling over!  I believe that any one can achieve what they want provided they work towards it.  I don’t feel that any one is entitled to anything.  And it makes me mad that so many people feel that this is wrong of me to think this!

I’ve always been very interested in politics all of my life.  When Sandra Day O’Connor became the first woman Supreme Court Justice I cried.  I believe I was in grade school when it happened, but I knew I was lucky to witness something great.  When I was younger I was a liberal (wow, did I just admit that?)  I went to a very liberal college (University of New Mexico), protested in marches for pro-choice, went to a peace rally the night before Desert Shield turned into Desert Storm.  Yeah, I was one of those.

After falling on my face in the early part of my twenties and having to pick myself up time and time again, I started asking myself why are other people not doing anything to better themselves?  Why do they feel that the government should take care of them?  How can they look at themselves in the mirror?  After messing up in college a few times, and dropping out a few times, I finally got my degree in my mid twenties and started my career.  I did well and so did my boyfriend at the time, now husband.

I am not far right conservative, so I really don’t fit in anywhere right now.  But these are my basic beliefs, politically:

  • You can be whatever you want to be, provided you work for it.
  • Small government
  • Free market
  • Pro-choice (I could never have an abortion, but I don’t think the government as the right to tell a woman she can’t)
  • Second Amendment supporter!
  • Legal immigration –I am a first generation American born on my mother’s side.
  • I think that the UN has served it’s purpose and we should be done with it.

That is me in a nut shell.  I hope that in further posts you will learn a bit more about me.  Like I said, I am more conservative than liberal….but the Pro-Choice thing can anger a lot of conservatives!  But, I still consider myself Conservative.

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